From TradeWars Museum
Author Name
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| Justin Curry (Psycho)
Year Written
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| 1993
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Text Type
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| Documentation (Unofficial), Player's Guide
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For Version
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| TW 2002 v1
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| The TradeWars 2002 Bible!!! --------------------------- By Psycho * 10/06/93 * v1.1 ---------------------------
-= Table Of Contents =- I. An introduction to this whole Bible! --------> All Read!
II. What is TradeWars 2002? III. Basic Game Play IV. Advanced Playing Techniques V. Being Considered a 'good' player VI. Using the Bugs in TradeWars -- A Dilemma VII. Choosing Good or Evil VIII. Being a Good 'N Legal Trader IX. Being an Evil Trader X. Bounties, good and evil XI. Keeping an Evil Imperial StarShip XII. Trapping Federals and Freeing Federals XIII. Running A Corporation XIV. Running A Piratical Corporation XV. Anti-Backstabbing Yourself as a CEO XVI. Backstabbing your CEO XVII. Secret Alliances and Treaties XVIII. The Worth of Planets and Citadels XIX. The Worth of Aliens XX. The Worth of Ferrengi XXI. The Worth of other Traders XXII. Using the StarDock to it's fullest XXIII. Destroying Class 0 ports
<heh, you like this system, huh??! ;)>
Addendums --------- I. The Bugs in TradeWars 2002 II. External Add-Ons to TradeWars 2002 <not many!> III. Registered and Non-Registered Version of TradeWars 2002 IV. Port Pairs for Trading Easily
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TradeWars 2002 Bible v1.1