Hello! This file is a compilation of documents I have gotten from the Fido TradeWars echo and from my own personal experiences. Since Beta 5 has been out for so long and it doesn't look very hopeful for a Beta 6 I decided to put out a file to bring new players up to speed on all the "quirks" of Beta 5. Obviously, this is for the 2002 2.0 Beta 5 version of Tradewars. For 1.03 or 1.03d games I would HIGHLY suggest getting a copy of Iago's War Manual. It's the bible for those versions and some of the strategys are still valid here. Even if you're playing a Beta 5 game I would put that on your recommended reading list.
I would like to thank the following people for their contributions of information in this file....
Jeffrey Culbreth Tony Dye John A Elson Gary Fowler Steve Griffin Craig Healy Mike Magero Mickey Platko Stephen Whitis Brit Willoughby Jason Wilson Dayne Zimmerman
The Topics may jump around a bit but it's all very useful information.